The Ocean People - Tension, Prints, Podcast

Print - Nug

$49.95 - $299.95


This Golden Nugget was taken late afternoon in the South West of Australia. The setting sun makes for some golden light.

All images are professionally printed using state of the art - D 1005 Digital Dry Lab and premium satin photo paper at 280gsm to ensure the most vibrant and crisp looking images.
Canvas prints also use the highest quality 350gsm canvas and the new coating technology yields the highest D -max of any canvas product available in the market today.
Glass Prints are a product unlike any other… they are strong and durable and will be a beautiful transformation to any wall.
Metal Prints prints look sleek and will transform your image into a modern piece of decor that looks seamless on any wall.

Please email us on the contact page if you would like to order a size not listed. We can customize any order to suit your needs.

If ordering a digital copy via email please enter coupon code DIGITAL at checkout to reduce the shipping expense.