TENSION is the first installment of the infamous Tension Series, which comprised of 10 movies. The series gained notoriety from 2000-2007 as it combined practical jokes with Bodyboarding. With the rebellious edge to the movies they became cult classics, transcending the surfing world and making world wide news featuring on shows like A Current Affair and Today Tonight.
In this version Director Chris White sits down with Ryan Hardy as they break down what was happening behind the scenes. The new audio of the 'Directors Cut' makes Tension a new experience for everyone - we find out which antics led to arrests, why some people really need Panadol and how Tension impacted Hardy's career and much more.
Tension became an iconic era in bodyboarding history and Chris and Ryan guide you through the original vision with a modern take. Two decades on and Hardy reveals that his profile in Tension was his first 'major' section and 'still to this day, one of my favourites'. They also discus other pivotal moments which may have laid foundations for bodyboarders and surfers to unite.
Starring: Hardy, Rawlins, Kingy, Dre, Jackson, the Players, Virtue, Hubb, Stewart.
Running time: 1 hour
File size: 1.8 gig
$4.95 price gets you a link via email to download the HD version of the full movie.
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