The Ocean People - Tension, Prints, Podcast

Print - Perth Whale

$49.95 - $599.95


Perth City all the way to Scarborough can be seen in the background as these Southern Right Whales migrate south. The mother is a whopping 17m long and spent the majority of August 2017 in the metropolitan beaches.

All images are professionally printed using state of the art - D 1005 Digital Dry Lab and premium satin photo paper at 280gsm to ensure the most vibrant and crisp looking images.

Canvas prints use the highest quality 350gsm canvas and the new coating technology yields the highest D -max of any canvas product available in the market today.

Please email us on the contact page if you would like to order a product or a size not listed. We can customize any order to suit your needs.

For international customers (e.g. Not in Australia) we strongly recommend the digital option as shipping prices are expensive. When ordering a digital copy via email please enter coupon code DIGITAL at checkout to reduce the shipping expense and please enter your email as your address with your country as Australia.